email the team

Please don't email the team if you want to apply to adopt a boxer. Instead just click on the 'adopt' tab at the top of the page and complete the adoption application form, but read the adoption policies first.
If you have a question about adopting please read our adoption policies first as your question may be answered there. You will find these under the 'adopt' tab at the top of the page.
If you need advice about your boxer's health, diet, exercise or training, please read our 'Boxer info' page. If your questions are not answered there feel free to email us using the tab below.
We will not respond to emails asking for information about the dogs needing homes.
All relevant information is provided in each dog's profile on the 'adopt' page.
the team
Pauline Hayward
07826 521313
(or 0151 737 1006 Mon - Fri)
Janine Takhar
07711 701000
Kirsteen Peel (Secretary)
Cheshire & South Manchester
We don't have a rescue centre where our dogs stay or boarding facilities of our own. Instead we rely on foster carers or, if necessary, commercial kennel space. We expect adopters to be willing to travel some distance to meet a dog if necessary.
Our committee members and foster homes are spread across the north of England, from Cumbria and County Durham down to Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire.
We take in boxers from all over the UK and beyond.
Our registered address is:
PO Box 587
M33 0JL
United Kingdom